Sunday, 16 November 2008


This landed in my inbox a couple of days ago (props to Funky DL) and I have been smashing it since! "Imagine" was produced by MOBO award winning artist "Funky DL" and also features co-production from "Xantoné Blacq" (A dope musical artist himself! I got introduced to his music when a friend came round with his "Yes I Do Drive My Car" joint and I've been a fan since! He is also Amy Winehouse's band keyboardist!).

Imagine is taken from Lei-An's new album entitled "Imagine Me" which is currently only on release in Japan.

Check the video:

I'll be honest, this track is dope! Lei-An sings over the track flawlessly with her sultry, sexy vocals, complimented nicely by the tight production of Funky Dl. Expect to hear me spinning this out and also check back soon for my exclusive refix of this track!

Check her out on myspace here


Tuesday, 4 November 2008


A personal favouite of mine and one of the dopest companies around at the minute is "Money Clothing", currently being sported by all the cool cats in the UK and also gaining a good following from the US hip hoppers.

For me it's all about the denim, i'm still rocking my "Green Aped, Dollar Bill's"!

Take a sneak peek at there AW/08 collection below,

Check the rest of the collection here

I've added the "750's" to my Christmas list, I wonder if santa will be a good boy and hook a dude up!

Stay fly people!!!



Okay.... It's not been an amazing hiatus people, Firstly, my computer was infected with one serious virus, pretty much rendering my PC useless for about 3 weeks. Then as if things couldn't get any worse, my Seagate Free Agent hard drive decided to pack up on me causing me to lose my entire collection of music!!!!! 270Gb's out of 300Gb's, all music!!!! Not fun times people!!!

Every mix, every single blend / remix i've done, every rare and classic joint that I had, i'm talking all my vinyl rips, the massive collection of promo's sent to me in the past, beats i've made with local cats as well as my contributions towards the new album from "The Scribes"......

So... the hard drive is on it's way to hopefully be repaired, my fingers are crossed tighten than a............ In the hope that they will be able to recover anything, i'd be happy with my collection of AV8 mp3's back, if nothing else!


On the *Plus Side*???!!! - I'm a dude that goes and buys CD's from shops, so I'll be able to get some 'ish back from my CD collection, and it's weighty!!!, So expect some random music posts when I go diggin to rebuild my collection!!!

Rant over! Ps. If anyone has any AV8's or recent acapellas @ 192kbps or above, get at me!!!


PS. Check out the new posts!!!!